well I didn't get home till 11:30 last night. It's hard to believe. I started the bathrooms (scubbing the toilets) at 9 and got done 45 min. later. Then I swept all the tile which took a while, then waited (somewhat) patiently to start mopping the floors because all customers have to be out of the restaurant before this process begins. anyway the time just flew right out the window. tomorrow I plan to hang out with friends and just have a full day of fun. It's my only day off and I plan to just blow it. I might even do some shopping on my own. But Na has her driving test @ 3. woo-hoo. My lil sis is gonna b drivin! how weird is that. I still have to get a car!!!! My boss told me she wishes she could clone me and never have to heir anybody new. Q is: could you handle more than one Esther!!! 108 days left! ~E~
the wingwam of esther slaughter
Tears, anger, laughter, uncertainty, and best of all LOVE. Thoughts inside the head relievling themselves through the power of words. Boundaries are unheard of. It's the wingwam of life.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Got a lil time before I go to work, and I thought I could say hi. so....HI!! I'm in a really good mood today. woo-hoo!! lol. Double shift day today. went in at 11-1 and going back at 4 till closing. Thinking about getting another job and working two jobs this summer. I need a new car and I need to start saving for college before that gets here. That way if I hardly work during the school year next year I'll have some money saved up. But where should I work? Have any ideas? I need a job that pays well. At least $6 or $7/ hour. I really don't know where to start looking. More fast food or store work? I still have to ask mommy!! 109 days till I turn 18! I'm just a lil excited. Don't freak on me guys if I go all out. Summer is here!! AHH look I only have 30 min. to get ready for work. late(r) ~E~
Monday, May 29, 2006
I have meant to write for some time now. Just haven't gotten around to doing it. Finished school! I still can't believe next year is my last year. Duh I'm excited. Now that it's summer I'm working all kinds of crazy hours. Double shifts and single shifts all over the place! I don't mind. My cousins are up from Kentucky. I love them so much. I feel like I've got a thousand things to say but I just don't know where to start. You know what...life amazes me. One of the reasons I love my job is because of the people. I love all the different types of personalities. They trully are all unique. Our regulares come in everday with a smile on their face and other people you know that you'll meet once, have a chance to make some type of impact on them, and never see them again. You wonder where they've been and where they are headed. Isn't it weird how our bodies function. The other day I was thinking about how much of an impact our parents have on us from the moment we are born. Every little kid knows what candy is and how good it tastes. But what if you never fed your kid any candy until they were (let's say) 5 years old. That's unheard of nowadays. Probably even to amish people to. I kinda want to try it when I have kids. How weird would it be to totally ignore the rules of society....they can't do this, they can't do that. Yes they can, teach them how. Let them learn. Why do people say "NO". Because that's the way things work? What if everything good in your life was bad, and everything bad was good. Reverse the thinking of a generation. How different would our society be. Change is good!! lol. Very randomly ranting right now. You got a peak into the wonders of my mind. So much more to say but no time. Maybe later. ~E~
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
wow major spasms of life going on here. lets see I've looked everywhere I can think to look for a check I lost (about a month ago), I had the grill fly off the front of my car to go to who knows where and I just don't seem to have time to go look for it, I dropped my cell phone tonight (not the first time) but it still worked and the front of the phone had the time and information on it but the screen (inside the phone) was dead as a doornob. I found that if you tilt it just the right way in the perfect amount of light you can see whats going on. So I did that and got all needed information (phone #'s) and decided to take the phone apart. It looked fine and still turns on but nope....nothing is better. I'll probably just get a new phone cause I got my phone #'s and I don't really want to pay 70 bucks just to have my phone worked on. I looked for one tonight but didn't see the one that I wanted. o well everything will work out!!! today was seniors last day. how sad. I will miss so many of them. But I'll be a senior next year!!!! Can't wait. 2 more days of school and 3 finals to go. gotta go! I love you Amy Reason!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
5 more days of school left. Can you believe it? It really flew by. Today was pretty much a good day. School, home, Greenfield, home, chores, cleaning the room. Just doing totally random stuff like that all night. While sis and I were in town today I decided to stop by work and grab my check. I was in dout that I would cash it tomorrow night just because I'll be tired from work and wanting to be home. Anyway, while I was there (at Bob's) my boss said that we need to figure out a way to get my points down because she wants to give me a raise!! I'm excited. I do have to admit that I was thoroughly surprised that my points were up that high. I didn't think I had that many. I have 4 points and at 6 points they fire you. She said we'll talk about it later, like within the next few days. lol hopefully Sean and Bob didn't keep bothering her about it. They are a couple of the regulars that like to inform others of my need for a raise. I never put them up to it! I love working and hope that I always will. Well tomorrow is back to the finals so laters.....
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Dad and I got in another fight again last night. Tempers flared and things were said, but it was soon over. I hate fighting with my family. Tell me there's a really cool reason for me being so different then the other 4 people I now live with. I don't mind being different. I like being unique. I have dreams and wants that are beyond them. Ha I bet none of this makes since at all but that's ok. I'm going day by day. Situation by situation. It's all good! Have you ever judged somebody because of how they dress or where they live or what kind of stuff they are into. I'll openly admit that I have, but I try not to. People should really get to know others before they judge them. How do you know exactly what is going on? And who judges people by where they live? I can name someone! Wow I sound really bitter. I don't believe that bitter is the right word. Probably more confused then bitter. I want to get away. By myself. Not for a long time or anything like that, but ya....ever felt like you're suffocating? Do you know who I am? I mean really really know who I am. Or do you see what I'm showing you? Do you judge and hate? Do I know who I am? So much to say but ya..........WOOHOO!!!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Yes i went to prom. It was fun. I took a guy by the name of Chris Schutts and really enjoyed myself. but i have far more serious things to talk about then prom. my best friend got hit again last night. I don't get to hear about it everytime it happens, but last night i did. She called me because her boyfriend was sleeping and she didn't want to wake him. How sweet is that! Sad thing is......the hitting is getting worse. It use to be just her getting hit, but now it is both her sisters and her. Last night it was because she forgot to make macaroni. After it was over her step-dad looked at her and her sisters and said "well at least she didn't hit me". Do something about it!! I want to help so badly. Her heart is hurting. I will do the only thing i know to do. Pray and be there for her. She doesn't blame herself (or so she says) which is a good thing. Isn't it crazy how when you're not living right, bad things begin to happen all around you. Don't get me wrong. I'm not blaming myself for what is going on. Just an observation. 7 days of school left! How exciting. So the church is going to the movies on friday then on to Starbucks. I want to go! But i must work. I love coffee, ecspecially Starbucks!! The songs that I write are coming more and more frequently. Within the past week I've written 2 or 3 songs. The sad part is...I write the music but don't make the instrumental part. It would be so cool for me to write the songs in my head and have someone else play the music that I want to hear. I love guitar but i just never seem to have time to sit down, relax and play. until later. love you all. and thanx for all comments.
Friday, May 12, 2006
so whats the latest buzz you ask, well here goes says I. dont know if im going to prom because of conflictions. which of right now i choose not to go into detail about. majorly like woo right now. o well. i hate how things are all so crazy right now. only 13 days till school is out. which means only 9 days of school left. i cant wait. show choir night is tonight and im excited. im not a solo or anything like that (my duet with sis isnt gonna happen) just 4 or 5 group songs. till later..
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
hi! it's been a while. (understatement). seems as though so much has happened since the last time that i wrote but i dont remember all of it, so moving on to the present tense......work at bob's is going good, grades are starting to improve (ya its only the end of the year!), and im starting to really think about my future. hopefully this summer i can balance a job, retake the classes that need improvement (online courses) and maybe take some extra courses so i can graduate early. no time for a boyfriend which is fine w/ me b/c really im not interested. very recently two guys have proclaimed that they are practically in love with me. please its highschool! honestly im tired of dating. i need a break. i want friends, not attachements. someone i can open up to and share everything with. plus there are far more important things at the age of 17 then guys. let me get the puzzle pieces of my life together and find the firm footprints of my path as i go day by day. who cares if it takes years. honestly! i know someone is out there, someone incredible. but its my teenage years. PARTY!! ha being totally random right now. i use to have the mindset that everything had to go a certain way, but no, the curveballs of life are needed. NEW TOPIC: im going to prom. (something far too overated) and im going to have a blast. going with friends and basically just hanging out the whole night. yah!! im excited. 17 days of school left! well its back to my schoolwork. ill try to write frequently. i just hardly ever get on the computer unless its to listen to the Media Player. i love music!