Monday, February 19, 2007

Actions speak louder than words.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Tonight was my Valentines Day night. It wasn't at all romantic (though it didn't bother me at all). I cooked a meal for James (which took FOREVER, but came out really good) and he loved it. We haven't seen each other for about 2 weeks and from the moment I walked through the door he was like a puppy dog, having a horrible case of separation anxiety. He kissed me, hugged me, wrapped his arms around me, and talked to my protruding stomach. Not one word did he have to say for me to understand. In fact words might have ruined it.

Pray tonight. God is so powerful that the absence of him is so much stronger than the absence of anything on earth. Seek him and he will find you. What do you do when the situation seems so greatly grave? Pray. He will hear you when nobody else can.

My own heart leaps for joy at the thought of giving my child to God and raising him/her to know him.


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