Saturday, February 17, 2007

As humans we go through life teaching each other how to become better people, but there are always those who we wish to call out to but can't or don't. It is so funny, inside of my mind I am already planning how I want my child to turn out. Do this, don’t do that. And the funniest thing is that a year or two ago I had to be cool and fit in with everyone, now it seems to be my child's turn. I know now that there is beauty in the uniqueness of oneself. It just makes me laugh to know I'm going to go through this all over again with him/her! Anyway about teaching others...or lack there of. Four teenagers dined today in the great O'Charleys restaurant. When they decided to leave I witnessed them throw a very small tip on the table, make a comment about it and walk out laughing. My blood boiled! I almost grabbed the money and said "I think you need it more than he does". But instead I told them to have a great day as they poured a handful of dinner mints all the way out the door. This situation left me thanking God for giving me parents that taught me what it means to be decent and kind to others.

Most craved food for the last 4.5 months: Chicken!
Worst sounding food for the last 4.5 months: Fast Food (eww)
Funniest part of last 4.5 months: Gaining weight and not feeling bad about it!

Live on and Live up.



At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.


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