Dad and I got in another fight again last night. Tempers flared and things were said, but it was soon over. I hate fighting with my family. Tell me there's a really cool reason for me being so different then the other 4 people I now live with. I don't mind being different. I like being unique. I have dreams and wants that are beyond them. Ha I bet none of this makes since at all but that's ok. I'm going day by day. Situation by situation. It's all good! Have you ever judged somebody because of how they dress or where they live or what kind of stuff they are into. I'll openly admit that I have, but I try not to. People should really get to know others before they judge them. How do you know exactly what is going on? And who judges people by where they live? I can name someone! Wow I sound really bitter. I don't believe that bitter is the right word. Probably more confused then bitter. I want to get away. By myself. Not for a long time or anything like that, but ya....ever felt like you're suffocating? Do you know who I am? I mean really really know who I am. Or do you see what I'm showing you? Do you judge and hate? Do I know who I am? So much to say but ya..........WOOHOO!!!
the wingwam of esther slaughter
Tears, anger, laughter, uncertainty, and best of all LOVE. Thoughts inside the head relievling themselves through the power of words. Boundaries are unheard of. It's the wingwam of life.
Yes I have judged people and I am not proud of it.
Be comfortable in the fact that God has made you to be who you are. Both of my children are very different than Denny and I. Stay true to who God says you are. It is sometimes hard for parents to let their kids go and to let them be who they are. Be obedient to your parents and try to understand that most of what we do we do out of love or concern. Being a parent of a teenager is hard. We have to let you go and that is so hard. It is hard because we can't protect you anymore. That's a hard thing. Just know that your parents love you and so does God. You are a beautiful person who loves the Lord. Stay true to that and everything else will fall into place.
I think Lis said it perfectly. Hang in there...
You're not different from the rest of us. Do you think we are identical? We are ALL different from each other, and yet we are one because we are a family. You're not alone in being different unless you choose to be alone. It's your own choice...
If only you could have been a fly on the wall in my home when I was your age. Some of the things you say sound so much like me at that age. My dad and I fought non-stop. I always felt like he had NO clue what was on the inside of this shell, and he always made me feel like I was a black sheep. I don't think he meant to make me feel that way, but that was the result of our arguments. My brothers were both saints (and still are). I was just trying to figure out this thing called life, on my own, without somebody telling me who I was, or what kind of person I was. I wanted to find myself, without somebody holding me back, or trying to help. And hey, I STILL want to get away somtimes! I don't know if this rings a bell for you or not, but there is so much going on inside of you, and there are more words than there is room in this comment that I could use to explain how much I understand every feeling that is creeping through your veins. If you need to talk one-on-one, please don't hesitate to call me up or email me.
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