Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Yes i went to prom. It was fun. I took a guy by the name of Chris Schutts and really enjoyed myself. but i have far more serious things to talk about then prom. my best friend got hit again last night. I don't get to hear about it everytime it happens, but last night i did. She called me because her boyfriend was sleeping and she didn't want to wake him. How sweet is that! Sad thing is......the hitting is getting worse. It use to be just her getting hit, but now it is both her sisters and her. Last night it was because she forgot to make macaroni. After it was over her step-dad looked at her and her sisters and said "well at least she didn't hit me". Do something about it!! I want to help so badly. Her heart is hurting. I will do the only thing i know to do. Pray and be there for her. She doesn't blame herself (or so she says) which is a good thing. Isn't it crazy how when you're not living right, bad things begin to happen all around you. Don't get me wrong. I'm not blaming myself for what is going on. Just an observation. 7 days of school left! How exciting. So the church is going to the movies on friday then on to Starbucks. I want to go! But i must work. I love coffee, ecspecially Starbucks!! The songs that I write are coming more and more frequently. Within the past week I've written 2 or 3 songs. The sad part is...I write the music but don't make the instrumental part. It would be so cool for me to write the songs in my head and have someone else play the music that I want to hear. I love guitar but i just never seem to have time to sit down, relax and play. until later. love you all. and thanx for all comments.


At 2:51 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

You are in this girls life for a reason. I pray that God gives you wisdom with what you should do in this situation.

At 6:40 PM, Blogger Joni said...

I will pray for your friend. I hate that people have to go through such terrible things...doesn't make sense. Anyway, just be there for her however you can and keep praying.

At 12:12 PM, Blogger AmyJo said...

Have you thought about going to local authorities and telling them about your friends step-dad? Where's her mom, anyway?

I want to hear your songs. I have the same problem (or, is it a problem) as you. When I write my songs, it's the lyrics and melodies/harmonies. No instrumental. I'm mostly instrumentally challenged, but learning.


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