I must write for my mind is going crazy. I was thinking tonight about something. Imagine that! I was thinking... why do we dread, even fear our own fears? Do you fear the fact that you fear something? For instance: when a child is afraid of the dark do they fear being afraid? Do we fear that our fears will take over and possibly control us? Is that child afraid that he/she will fear -be scared of- the darkness of one room for the rest of life? I often think about fears and why...why are they present in life? Do they help or harm? Is there a bigger reason then we know for being afraid of all the little things in life? Elaborate fear with me. One thing I'm not very fond of is spiders. But it amazes me. I love observing and watching how the creatures work and survive and I wonder what it is that I fear when I look upon a spider. I don't like the idea of a spider crawling all over me, jumping on me and whatever else it is that spiders do. Yet I am perfectly fine when a spider crawls across my leg when I'm sitting outside. Another thing...I'm not afraid of tarantulas at all, expect that if I make one mad they could bite me and cause my death -that's all. Nothing to big right? - Lol. But back to my talk of fears. Why do I have this fear? Or should I say discomfort for I feel that it makes me uncomfortable, but doesn't give me or cause a runaway, panic, screaming fear. Why as humans do we fear? Is fear a factor of our mind or is it caused by physical happenings? Fears help and harm us. Where would we be in life without fear? Total ciaos! Because of fear we set guidelines for ourselves. We obey the laws of life -yes because we are suppose to- but don't you also find yourself doing certain things because you fear what will happen if you don't?
O it amazes me how my brain works!! It amazes me how every brain is so complicated with amazingly beautiful thoughts. Each brain is different, yet together we make a world that we can all live in. You know what would be the coolest thing in the world to do? Take a group of people, a large group of people and test and scan their brains. First I would locate a group of friends and scan their brains and see if all the results are relatively the same or if all of them are different, explaining why they balance so well. Then I would test a married couple -both long term and newlyweds- and see the comparison between their brains and how they matched up. Then depending on all of those tests I would take the rest of my large group of people and -keeping in mind that they are all strangers and have never met or seen each other before- I would put certain people together in an environment with certain brain patterns and see if they interact. Do they meet? Do they become friends? How fast is the process? Is there a perfect combination of brain patterns that always go together with one another or are the patterns of interacting brains constantly changing just like everything around us?
Until later....