the wingwam of esther slaughter
Tears, anger, laughter, uncertainty, and best of all LOVE. Thoughts inside the head relievling themselves through the power of words. Boundaries are unheard of. It's the wingwam of life.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Hey! So two days ago I was heartbroken and ...... woo woo woo! Life is bright and beautiful. Just like it should be. I BELONG TO THE BELIEVERS! let's rock, roll, and see how it goes. No more Ms. Nice.......this chick means business! lol this is just random thoughts in my head. It probably makes no sense at all, but that's what makes it beautiful. It doesn't have to make sense!
love you all!!!!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Another day of life! Now that's something to praise God about. Tomorrow is Halloween, a holiday I've never celebrated before. I don't regret it either. I've been thinking a lot about my life lately. My family, friends, surroundings, beliefs, decisions. Pretty much everything. It's weird to think that I'm 18 years old. An ADULT!!! I big deal. But it's just made me think that not long from now I will be out in the world, by myself. I'll be making my own choices and life decisions. No longer will my parents be there to tell me yes or no on everything. They are my rock, my foundation of my entire life. They are the ones who pick me up when I fall. The important thing is that I know who I am. Hi, I'm Esther Slaughter.....I am entering the world of adults. Let the battle begin. May the ocean roar, the mountains move, and stars dance, and the demons collide for surely as my name is Esther I will move upon this world. I have run from God for so long. Not necessarily run from him, but definitely not fully run to him. I have been happy making my own decisions and way of life. Lessons I have learned, pain I have felt. I long for him, for only he makes me whole.
Sunday, October 29, 2006

It would be a lie to say that everything is good and dandy. Details I will not share at this time, except to say that my heart is hurting. My soul feels broken over something that I do not understand. It seems as though this month was a hard month. Was it my fault? I don't think it was. The situation that I find myself in (right now) is so deep that I wonder if I will trully ever recover. I know that I will. The amazing thing is that I would let this situation repeat itself 99 more times if I knew that on the 99th time things would turn out differently. Call me a fool, but I still see hope in this situation. Please pray for me. If only God would heal my heart and blind my eyes.
Friday, October 27, 2006
So today was suppose to be senior pic day but silly rain! instead I spent my morning sleeping in (WOO!) and relaxing and getting ready for work. I have to be at work at 4:30. I hope I close tonight. I cut sis's hair today. cut 10" off and it came out really short but I really like it and I think that she does to. lol she was going around the house screaming (in a good way (we can only hope)) about how short it turned out. Well I have so much on my mind it's going crazy. I trully love it when that happens. But I must go clean, wash work clothing, get ready for work and if I have enough time start my math homework. ...................................................
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
HI! HI! HI! long time no talk or write. I think about posting almost every day I just don't. I find myself having little time or just not using my time to post! but I miss it, so here I am! Well whats been going on in my life lately you ask. Still working at Ocharlies, though I'm not sure if I'm a busser or hostess. I think I'm both. They told me I could start bussing and that I do a really good job at it (that's because I love it!) but they just hired two new bussers (probably just because people think its weird to see a girl bussing). That's what makes me awesome! Ashley has started taking my senior photos. JUMP JUMP JUMP for joy! (currently picturing a little man jumping around in my head). I had starbucks tonight! first time in a while (I think). Grande white mocha! yummy! O look there goes my cat walking across the house. So today and tomorrow we get out of school at 11:15. Thursday and Friday NO SCHOOL! Fall Break. I went to Montana Mikes today for a first time. It was my best friend, her man (yes he has a name!) and me. The service was great, the food great and ya it was satisfying. I spent the rest of my evening making a movie for my AP English class. It was soo cold. BURR. It makes you wonder how people work outside during this time of the year. This is the time of the year to get fat!! little excited about that. so do I have a man in my life? wouldn't you like to know! Amy Reason I miss you :( . I miss everyone who reads my writings. Murm :( . k now I'm going to show you pics of my babies. love you all. PASS THE WORD THAT ESTHER BLOGGED!!! LITERALLY, TELL EVERYONE! now it's time for pictures....
well I can't get my pictures to load all the way so maybe some random time later...woohoo!