Wednesday, January 31, 2007

It's amazing how much we take life as it's given to us day by day. I don't really think that much about it, but today I did. I was in a wreck/crash today. I didn't hit anyone! But my heater decided not to work after my car ran for 20 minutes so I scraped the windshield and went to school. I was fine until I tried to turn on the school road. The sun hit my windshield which was a little more foggy then I would have liked it and I couldn't see anything. Then it all hit me all at once. First the stop sign flashed before my eyes and disappeared, then came the fence post. The impact, then the jerking forward of my body as my chin ran straight into the steering wheel. My thoughts and prayers were for my unborn baby. Funny how God changes your heart when he gives you the gift of a life. But yeah basically I couldn't see and I misjudged a turn obviously thinking my car looked better in front of a fence post then on the road. I went to the ER after school and was reassured with the sound of my baby's heart beating. Anyway.....nothing serious, just some bruising and pain to look forward to. Now time for pictures!!!!! Of my trip to the Children's Mueseum about a week ago.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Friday was my first OB/GYN appointment or I guess my first doctors visit overall. She said I was a little further than I thought. Today makes 14 weeks! The coolest thing in the world (so far) was hearing the heartbeat of my baby. It was so fast! It made me so happy that I started to laugh and couldn't stop so I only heard the beating for a few seconds. Life is amazing. He told me he wants us to definitly be married by the first birthday of our baby. That's so incredibly scary to think about. 1 yr. and 6months I could be a married woman. I hope God works this out for the best between the two of us. Hugs and kisses to everyone! Amy Reason I saw you get your hair cut today! I dn't know if you reconized me or not but I was the one with dye all over my head sitting right beside you. Cute, sexy haircut by the way. I loved it. I go and get bloodwork done thursday! until later

Thursday, January 11, 2007

11 weeks! that's how far along I am. It's so hard to believe. Things are going fine and I go to see a doctor for the first time next friday the 19th. Things are going really well for James and I. We are both seeking God together and when we're apart. But I do have a prayer request. James decided to stop smoking as a New Year resolution. He began to lessen his amount of nicotine as the New Year approached. Basically he was going from a pack and a half a day to not smoking at all. I knew it would be hard for him, but with God's help he could do it. And so far so good. He was smoking half a cigarette a day and sometimes none at all. I knew it was really hard for him, but he was doing it. One night he almost didn't make it. He was in his car, it was started and ready to go, all he had to do was drive. He sat there for 10 minutes and finally ran back inside. He grabbed his bible and began to read. He ended up not smoking that night. Well I was over tonight and he had a empty pack sitting there and another one open. It killed me. He was doing so good. I saw him smoke at least 4, maybe even 5 during the 5 hours I was over there. Please pray. God can do anything and I believe he will. Did I tell you! No morning sickness with this baby at all! James is going to become a truck driver. He starts class Monday and all the training will last a year. It'll be hard. But it won't kill us! I love you all, thanx for all the comments! Until later...............Esther
O we picked out names! Boy= James Daniel (generational family name, and I like it).
Girl= Faith Marie