Happy valentines day! well it was about an hour and a half ago. i got a flower & a card from sara and a card from thomas (my new tutor). yes i have a tutor now. just happened today. i decided it was time to get one since im failing my classes magerly and failed the last few tests ive taken. i got a 56 on a math test and 22 on a chem. test. this is bad! and unhead of, ecspecially the math test. so im getting help. im not looking forward to my grades coming up. friday is the end of the 6 weeks and i wanna die. i got to work tonight. i was really good. michelle and i were up front and she just likes to sit on her butt most of the time so i got a lot done which is what i like to do (stay busy). i was so happy. jill asked me if i wanted to go first or let her go. i told her to let michelle go first and she was happy with my choice telling me that im a better worker than michelle and she likes me better. o and i got 30 hrs. and 40 min of work this week! woo-hoo. havent got that much work in since mom and dad put me on curfew. i broke a plate tonight within one of my moments of frustration. bita was so nice to help me out and clean it up. well tonight is church and im really excited. i really hope sara can come. she probably will. well i dont really have much more to say b/c i cant really think all that well right now. o im taking my b/f (when i get one) to bob evans for a date cause thats just what all the cool people do. i mean how many people go to bob evans for valentines day. apparently more than a couple. so i better bounce cause its 1:30 am. and i still have algebra 2 hw to do and chem hw but thats not due tomorrow. TTFN
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