Omgosh i actually have a blog! now all i have to do is keep it updated which shouldnt be that hard, right? Do you ever wish that you could make people see the world from your eyes, to show them how life really is behind everything else. i do. i often wonder how awesome it would be to live in someone else's world for a day. People judge much too quickly. Believe me im not an exception. When people see my life...what do they see? So much of it is locked up inside of me and im not ready to let it out yet. should i tell all within the blogs that i write or just cover the basics? guess we'll find out!...Today was an all to normal day. school, work, hw and my social life. i was thinking today about my friends and what they mean to me. but we wont go into that right now. anyway...im running on pure coffee right now, so its keeping me awake. i love starbucks. ugg i have a test tomorrow which im halfway confident about but sis needs to go in early so ill get help then. i know i didnt write much of anything but in time i will.
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