tonight was awesome. i went to church and a lot happened there. jake was lifted up and naomi and i both saw visions of him. then i lifted sara up and that was powerful to say the least. i saw visions and felt pain. visions of other people were seen also. but im so confused in a way. confused and hurt and troubled. i believe god has something very powerful for sara and i in life. he wants both of us. he's called her out. i know this for a fact. there's so much that we could do together but there's so much that needs to be brought out from under the rug. i need to tell her everything and im scared but god has shone me that if we work together we will stay together and support one another. we will be greatly and i mean GREATLY rejected. i know i cant do it alone for i will crumble and give into the world. it will hurt very badly b/c a big part of me doesnt want this change. it wants to stay right where its at. i need help getting over it. i (we) have a long road ahead of us. a very long road, with many struggles. prayer is all that can save us. well god to!
i know exactly how you feel gurl. i remember how i felt after ATF and everything. i miss that i think. i don't know.... i guess i am doubting my religion. i know that there is a higher power and all.... but i don't know if it's god or not... you know?? anyways...
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