wooo im hyper. today ended really well. i thought it was going to be one of those bareable days that you manage to survive through but so far its gotten better and better. this morning was good until 1st period started. i couldnt find my notes so i was halfway paying attention to what she was saying. and plus i was writing as much as i could on notebook paper so i was all like AHH. frustrated just a lil. then i found my notes and by that time she was talking about stuff that was over my head. its like one of those times where you have to listen from the bigging to understand everything thats going on. everyone else understood or so it seemed and i was just so totally lost. i started crying. not outloud or anything but you could see it in my eyes. i wanted to just run away. i wanted to be able to understand what was going on just like everyone else. i hate not being able to understand things in school. i wanted to say stop and tell me everything to make it better. but i didnt. then 2nd period rolled around and for the past few days that class (algebra 2) has been frustrating me. ive always been good at math and caught on really well. but this is just like wow. so ive been getting his help from my teacher but i still have trouble. its quite frustrating ecspecially when he explains it and i understand and then it just leaves me and i dont remember. i have a test tomorrow. fun fun. so that class didnt exactly add anymore excitement to my day. the rest of my day went pretty well. i got really happy and hyper off of my coffee (which im not on right now). then work came along. seth treated me like crap, made me look like a fool in front of everyone b/c he was treating me like a 5 year old. o well thats just stuff you gotta put up w/. then n8 said i didnt like him cause i wasnt seating him (not on purpose). i told him he was right "i dont like you". he's one of those types of guys who all (and i mean all) the girls think is hot and drool all over him. i told him he wasnt hot. he always seems surprised when someone comes along that doesnt drool all over him. he's just another guy. so tonight he was bugging me and i finally sat him and he said "WOO". and he started poking me "dont touch me" i told him. "dont touch you", "dont touch me". probably not use to girls saying that to him. "o come on esther" as he trys to give me a hug. "no" and i walk away from him. then i was bussing a table of his and he grabbed some dishes and came up beside me to the bussing cart and kinda pushed me over with his body (in a nonsexual way). Me:"does somebody need some room, cause you forgot to say excuse me". then he looked at me and asked me when we were going to hang out. i was like!!!! "i have better things to do". but ya he was all playful towards me all night and i just put up w/ it but didnt play back. i guess im all excited b/c it wont happen again. lol. daniel smaked my butt at work today. ooo did that make me mad. he has a g/f and that aint his to be touching. i never ever gave him permission. NO. so it was a good night. i was thinking today...dont u just hate those week (if that long) crush things. like where you totally fall for a guy that you know you'd never date or go out with but your all like: he looked at me (like a total 1st grader going on here). o i found 2 more people for the apartment!!! yes! i dout that itll work but they want to move out when they turn 18 so we started talking and i was like "hey you should stay w/ me, move in with me" and they both were all excited about it so maybe! lol tonight at wal-mart w/ zach, andy, araon, and that one kid yelling help and that guy acting all cool with his salsa. lol so funny. well i gotta bounce. o sara wants to come to church with me now!!! its a miracle and an answer to my prayers. did i say this in yesterdays blog? o well.....TTFN.
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