Thursday, June 01, 2006

Did u hear!?! My boss talked to me and told me that she would give me a dollar raise!!! ("I'll tell the big man (area director) that your work is equivalent to three hostesses"). And she asked me to fill out an application to become the hostess trainer. So whenever we get a new hotess I will be the one training them. They love me!! Look at the time 11:52 and I'm not even tired. But I'm gonna go and wash some clothes, get a bath and who knows what else. Maybe I'll be tired by then. ~E~
Maybe I'll work out to!!! mmmmmm....I don't know about that.
Talking to myself outloud!!!


At 9:01 PM, Blogger Joni said...

Congrats on the raise...that's awesome. I used to work at Bob's too!!!

At 11:12 PM, Blogger Miriam Solomon said...

haha you're so like me with the working out thing: "hmmm, maybe not. but it's a good idea!" my motivation would start at 10 and end at 0.5; hopefully you'll have better luck :) missed you at church sunday!

At 6:31 AM, Blogger AmyJo said...

Nothing beats a raise! Well, nothing except for an even bigger one, but a dollar raise isn't such a bad deal. Cool.

At 5:16 PM, Blogger Nichole said...

a dollar raise at your age is an amazing raise! Heck...what am I saying, when I went from being a temp to being a perm employee, I got a dollar raise and I had to fight hard for that. Way to go!

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